The Henry Hering Memorial Medal is awarded by the National Sculpture Society, as merited, for outstanding collaboration between owner, architect, and sculptor. In 2014, Lawrence Noble, along with owner George Lucas and architect Lawrence Halprin, received the award at the Century Club in New York City for the body of work at Lucasfilm's Letterman Digital Arts Center in San Francisco, CA.
In addition to producing Public Commissions, Lawrence Noble has created a series of private works over the years called "The Strength of Women". The most recent piece (above) is titled "Becoming", a 26" tall torso that depicts the blissful state of manifesting a set of wings. Others in the series, "The Gift", the life-size "Mercana" and "Empowerment" are attempts to portray the strength, beauty, compassion and power of women throughout the ages. Some, commissioned as public work, such as the 27' tall "Spirit of Achievement" and the life-size statue of Mary for Saint Francis Cabrini Catholic Church in Crestline, California, have done double duty as representative of both public and private inspiration.